Abstract submission is now closed. All notifications regarding the status of your abstract have been emailed to the presenting authors. If you have not received yours, please contact Cynthia Steiner at cynthia@usacm.org.
Instructions for abstract submissions.
Please read the instructions below carefully. You will need to create a user id and password even if you have submitted an abstract to the previous U.S. national congresses. A new abstract submission system is being used.
Your abstract will be submitted in one of the congress minisymposia. For a description of each minisymposium, go here.
Once submitted, you will receive an email notification that the abstract has been received. Your abstract will be reviewed by the organizers of your selected minisymposium. We anticipate that notification of your abstract acceptance or rejection will be made 30 days after the close of abstract submission as published on the congress website.
Click on submit abstract to begin the process. If you have any questions or problems, contact us at usnccm12@gmail.com.