Multi-Objective Evolutionary Computation Applied to Structural Engineering and Architecture

Leonardo Moreno De Luca, Oscar Begambre Carrillo, Jesús Villalba

The topic to treat at the mini-symposium will be the use of evolutionary multi-objective optimization techniques focused on the design of civil structures and architectural objects. The optimization expected comprises the parameters that define the behavior of the structure, such as strains (searching for minimums), stresses (searching for homogeneity), the weight of the structure (searching for minimum), etc. In the architectural field what is expected to be optimized can be the floor shape (green building design or structural behavior), the acoustic performance (uniform distribution in sound level), the façade or the building skin (bioclimatic design, structural behavior, green building design), some specific functions of the building, the parameters involved in bioclimatic design, a form finding process that allows a broad aesthetic exploration, etc.

Afterwards, the aim is to bring together the largest quantity of structural and architectural parameters in the multi-objective optimization process. An interesting characteristic that generally emerges in this type of design is the rivalry between the objectives desired to be reached in the multi-objective optimization process and, the uncertainty in the behavior of the relationships between them.

The invitation is to Engineers, Architects and Scientists that are interested in conceive structural and architectural design as a whole, as a unique holistic and creative conceptual design process that conclude in an efficient building from all points of view.

The topics of interest include but are not limited to:

• Structural Optimization

• Multi-objective Evolutionary Techniques

• Parallel Algorithms

• Topology Optimization

• Complexity in Design

• Creative Conceptual Design

• Computational Morphogenesis

• Acoustic Optimization

• Floor Shape Optimization

• Façade Optimization